February 23rd 2015.
Turn unfortunate disasters events into opportune moments to fix it right.
If your Church, School, Office building and any other structures have an emergency, such as:
- Building Board-up/Access Control
- Temporary Roofing
- Shoring up Structure
- Extracting Water
- Drying & De-humidification
- Removing Debris
- Safety of the Site
- Any other emergency due to fire, water, wind and others
Fast response is critical. You will want to make sure to contain the damage and prevent further spread first. The rule of the thumb is that within 2 days period following the emergency, systems put in place are most critical for successful recovery down the road. It is very important to contain the damage and prevent further impact to your structures. Site must be stable and secure to use before any and all operations can resume within it, be it a church, office, rectory, school or any other building. You will need a plan, and a fast response. We can help!
Sometimes, the wait for the insurance adjuster to arrive can take days, even weeks! It is the owners responsibility to “preserve and protect” your property immediately in order to limit further damage? All insurance companies require this. Put a plan in place in case of a disaster, and contact Cro-International-Inc to help you with disasters and repairs.
Cro-international INC is a leader in restoration and repairs of ‘Historic and Religious’ structures throughout the tri-state area, and especially in the NY City – all boroughs. Our professionals are all experienced craftsmen and will be able to help you small to very large scale projects.
Sometimes, time is of the essence, and every single hour that passes is of importance. It is good to know that you have somebody to rely on and to help guide you out of these types of event. We, Cro-International-INC have a reputable record in every Archdiocese, Diocese we worked in.
Few of the latest projects we worked on recently are: